BIJI, the explosive creative duo consisting of director Maceo Frost and actor Robin Nazari, have released their debut album, “BIJI, pt.1”.
This is a tribute to Kurdistan, a tribute to the diaspora. To those who have had to build homes in Europe but never lost their roots.I spent summers in Kurdistan and got to see the beautiful and the ugly. I laughed for hours with friends, uncles sang in my grandmother’s home, and I found home. My history is stained by genocide, by oppression, and by the most beautiful songs and poems. I cannot return to my hometown, but my hometown is always with me. That is why the album is called Biji. Biji means long live. Long live the dream and the dreamer. Long live hope and community. Long live the beautiful landscapes. Long live my grandmother’s home among the walnut trees. This music is for everyone: for our people, for the young, for those who want to be themselves, for those who dream, and for those who dare. Biji is for the diaspora kids, those who remain, and those who have had to leave. To build bridges between different cultures. For those who have forgotten their mother tongue and wish to learn it. For those who have not been among the mountains but feel with the heights. Biji is resistance; it is dance by simply existing. Biji is world music, Biji is Kurdish music, Biji is our way home.
– Robin Nazari
The whole BWGTBLD team congratulates Maceo and Robin on their massive debut release! We’re thankful and honoured for all the projects we had the pleasure of working on together, and can’t wait to see what’s next!
Pictures by Maceo Frost, Robin Asselmeyer and Nick Martinelli.
Available on all platforms.